The Call Of Dookie first demo is out now! You can get it for free on Steam. Smash that wishlist button while you are there!
Call Of Dookie demo now available!
Imagine you went to the crapper, and emerged an hour later to a monster apocalypse! Retro first-person shooter action inspired by 90's classics!
Plenty of monsters to kill and weapons to shoot them with in story mode! Shotguns, assault rifles, rockets, grenade launchers, proxy mines, lazers, and more! Save your friends and family. Save the world... from going all to crap!
Old-school local deathmatch and co-op for up to 4 players, just like your grand pappy and grand mammy used to play! Various scenarios to play including classic Free-for-all, King Of The Hill, Tag, Limited Lives, Golden Gun, and more. Scenarios can be played in teams as well including 2-vs-2, 1-vs-3, and 2-vs-1-vs-1.
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